Endpoint Cyber Security Advisory Services

Goliath helps organizations protect their endpoints, including laptops, desktops, servers, and mobile devices.

Unified security and management

Provide security and management for your business-critical devices- including mobile devices, fixed endpoints, and server environments.

Identify and close security gaps

Because endpoints are the edge of your business perimeter, security gaps that may have been overlooked can now be brought to light through better visibility.

Protect your reputation

Keep your organization out of the headlines knowing that the largest entry point for cyberattacks, endpoints, are highly secure.

Safeguard against key threat vectors

Mobile endpoint security enables flexible work environments and improves customer engagement while protecting against key threat vectors that target mobile endpoints.

Simplify management

Goliath can help provide a virtually seamless deployment and ongoing management, allowing you to focus on your business instead of managing the devices.

Maintain control with Zero Trust

Built into Goliath’s endpoint security offering is the core principal of zero trust to make sure that access to data is proper and authenticated, while maintaining control.